
Parent resources


​​A number of programs are offered to parents and caregivers throughout the year. These programs, conducted by the Leadership Team and the Learning Support teachers, introduce parents and caregivers to activities, which can be used at home to complement school learning. We have adopted the motto 'enjoy learning together'. These programs are advertised to parents and caregivers well in advance. We welcome your participation – please join us.

Parent responsibility

As part of the school’s planning process, the following goals were suggested by the Parents and Citizens’ Association for parents:

  • to display a positive attitude towards the school e.g. attending school functions, supporting school programs
  • to be familiar with procedures e.g. school day routine, tuckshop ordering routine
  • to keep family details up to date - address, phone numbers (home, work) medication, emergency contacts
  • to advise the school about children's absences
  • to be aware of school handbooks and school notices and updates in the "Creek Weekly".

The overall aim is to have parents recognise their responsibility to foster a positive attitude towards achieving the goals as stated in the school Values and Beliefs Statement.

Parent Community Code of Conduct.pdf​

Frequently asked questions


It is a requirement of Education Queensland that all absences from school be explained and recorded on the school database. Should you arrive at school after 9:00am, please report to the main school office, prior to taking your child to the classroom, to obtain an attendance slip for the class teacher. Similarly, if you are collecting your child prior to the end of the school day, please report to the school office and your child will be called for collection.
School absences are to be reported to the school via QParents or our school absence line (3264 0160) before 9:00am.  At 9:30am, parents will be contacted via SMS for any unexplained absences. It is a requirement that a member of the Leadership Team follow up all frequent and unexplained absences. This also includes frequent late and early departures.
In the case of a prolonged absence, please notify the school office. If a student is to be absent for more than 10 school days, an Exemption From Schooling form is required to be completed by parents and caregivers and then signed by the Principal. These forms are available from the school office.

Attendance - Compulsory education

Children are required to stay at school until they reach the age of 16 years. It is vital from many points of view that attendance be as regular as possible. Absences can lead to lack of progress. Parents and caregiver should consider whether keeping a child home is really necessary or merely convenient. 


Each Monday afternoon at 2.15pm, students from Prep to Years 2 gather to celebrate achievements, to hear important messages and to receive Buzza awards. The Junior School Assembly provides staff with an ideal forum to promote school values and expectations.

Each Thursday morning at 9am the whole school gathers to celebrate all things great about Albany Creek State School. The full school assembly is a tradition and provides parents and caregivers with an opportunity to join with staff and students to enjoy and applaud class presentations and announcements of student success. A highlight of each whole school assembly is the pride demonstrated as the students sing the National Anthem and School Song. 

A Special Presentation Assembly is held during the last week of the school year. On this occasion special presentations are made including Laurel Awards to our Year 6 pupils who have displayed outstanding academic and social skills.​

Class size

Class sizes are kept as low as possible and are based upon a model provided by Education Queensland. Classes are classified as draft A, B, C and D. This convention is not based upon academic performance or student capabilities. The naming convention is for convenience. Every effort is made to structure classes with an academic, social and cultural balance.

Educational tours & performances

From time to time educational tours are organised by teachers to reinforce the work being undertaken at school. For these tours children are expected to meet the cost of transport and admission fees where applicable. No child is permitted to participate without the written consent of parents.


The physical surroundings of this school are extremely important as they provide an attractive and stimulating environment for our students. School activities encourage the students to have pride in their school and also to make their own contribution to its care and upkeep.

Lost property

One of the major challenges is managing the accumulation of lost property. Parents and caregivers are asked to mark clothing with the child's name so that teachers have a means of identifying lost property. It is surprising to realise that many pupils from all different years do not recognise their own belongings. Trying to find the owners of unmarked lost property is both time consuming and usually without result.

A lost property box is held at the school near the toilets in the covered games area. Parents are free to look in this for lost property. A display of lost property is also arranged at the end of each term.

School Garden

Within our school grounds teachers and students have established a permaculture garden. During each lunch time the permaculture garden is open to children from all year levels who are welcome to join in a variety of activities. These activities include: compost making, planting seeds and seedlings, harvesting fruit and vegetables grown organically by the children, and establishing new gardens. All children are welcome, with some choosing to be regular helpers. At the conclusion of each lunch time, the vegetables and fruit harvested that day are shared amongst the helpers much to the children’s delight.

Record system

Particulars of each child including their academic performance are maintained on the OneSchool Education Queensland data base. These records are comprehensive and include details of particular health or emotional problems which might have an impact upon on a child's progress. Parents and caregivers are urged to keep our records up to date by advising of changes of address, telephone numbers and emergency contacts.

There is provision on the report card for teachers to suggest an interview with parents or for parents to request an interview with the teacher.

School requisites - School issued

Emergency supplies of pencils, rubbers and rulers etc. are held at school. (Parents and caregivers are encouraged to support the school Book Pack Scheme for the purchase of book and stationery items.)

Shopping centre

We are concerned for the safety of your children and seek your help in the appropriate use of this centre. Children will not be allowed to go to the centre during school time unless a written request has been received from a parent. 

Stationery packs (Prep to Year 6)

The book packs are available at the end of each year and at the beginning of the new year. Book packs contain essential requisites for each year level. Provision of packs is made available through the efforts of the P&C Association. Lists, prices and availability are notified when packs are ready for sale.

Telephone Messages and Interview

The school administrative team manage telephone communications. The Principal, Deputy Principals and Head of Special Education Services can be contacted by telephone. In most cases messages will need to be left for one of the team to return the call.  It is not considered practicable to call teachers to the telephone during school sessions. Nor is it practical for parent/teacher interviews to be held during school time unless extenuating circumstances arise. Appointments for interviews may be made through the Principal, Deputy Principals or Head of Special Education Services. The school office operates between 8.00am and 3.30pm each day.

Last reviewed 28 February 2024
Last updated 28 February 2024