Year 5 student reflections
4B have been trialling ‘flexible seating’ as we navigate our learning on our iPads
Children have been given the options of normal classroom chairs, bean bags, mushroom chairs or sitting/laying on the carpet. These options have demonstrated to the year 4s that the traditional ways of learning are slowly changing and becoming classrooms where it’s easier to collaborate, work in groups or even have personal space to learn.
“We all love being able to sit in the bean bags, there are only two, so we need to take turns in who sits in them. I love doing my Mathletics in it as it helps me relax and I concentrate better” Kate.
“We have a mushroom chair which we pass onto the student of the day, we have all had it and it’s fun to sit on, it’s more comfortable then our school chairs”
4E iLearn BYO iPad experiences - being sun safe
Below is a compilation of iMovies made by both teachers and students throughout the year. In Grade 4, both teachers and students have used iMovie to document and record events to support their learning in the classroom. One of the advantages to using iMove is the opportunity for students to build their digital storytelling skills to present ideas and concepts to others, particularly when demonstrating their knowledge in project-based learning. This is shown with our sun safe videos in the attached movie. During COVID, teachers used iMovie to record key information to enhance the learning environment at home, whilst students used iMovie to document their experiences of home learning. Please enjoy our collection below:
4A Learning at Home
4C iLearn